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Session (trading session)

A session starts from us adding or reducing position inside on_entry method.

A session is considered closed when its position is adjusted to zero.

A long session is a session that starts from adding to the position, a short session - starts from reducing the position.

Multiple open sessions can coexist at the same time.

Each session carries these attributes:

  • position
  • transactions (read-only)
  • take_profit
  • stop_loss
  • meta

position adjustment creates a new transaction (combines both base and quote assets move).

take_profit and stop_loss - session brackets.

Brackets can use percent:

from cipher import percent

session.take_profit = row['close'] * 1.015
session.take_profit = percent('1.5')  # +1.5% of current price for long session
session.stop_loss = percent('-1')  # -1% of current price for long session
session.stop_loss = None  # disable stop loss

meta - a dict-like object where we can store the session state.


Each new session has a position equal to 0 initially.

We can add to a position, or reduce a position (it can be negative).

Each position change creates a transaction.

There are multiple ways to adjust position:

from cipher import base, percent, quote

session.position = 1
session.position = base(1)  # same as the one above
session.position = '1'  # int, str, float are being converted to Decimal
session.position = quote(100)  # sets position worth 100 quote asset
session.position += 1  # adds to the position
session.position -= Decimal('1.25')  # reduces position by 1.25
session.position += percent(50)  # adds 50% more position
session.position *= 1.5  # has the same effect as the one above
session.position = session.position.value + Decimal(1)  # not recommended


There is one signal that is required - entry. We can define as many as we want.

To add a new signal: - a bool column, with name equal the signal name, have to be present in the dataframe returned by compose method - a signal handler has to be added to the strategy: on_<signal name>

on_entry is called only once for a new session.

on_<signal> is being called for each open session.

on_step - is similar to on_entry, only called for each row in the dataframe.


data flow

Cipher supports multiple time series as input, they have to be combined into a single dataframe in the compose method.

To add datas:

cipher.add_source("binance_spot_ohlc", symbol="BTCUSDT", interval="1h")
cipher.add_source("binance_spot_ohlc", symbol="ETHUSDT", interval="1h")

Then we can access data inside compose:

def compose(self):
    self.datas[0]  # btcusdt ohlc
    self.datas[1]  # ethusdt ohlc
    self.datas.df  # shortcut for self.datas[0]


Sources are reading data from apis, files, etc., in blocks and writes them to a file.

There are a few sources already included:

  • binance_futures_ohlc [symbol, interval]
  • binance_spot_ohlc [symbol, interval]
  • csv_file [path, ts_format]
  • gateio_spot_ohlc [symbol, interval]
  • yahoo_finance_ohlc [symbol, interval]


Strategy explains Cipher when and how to adjust positions.

This is the interface:

from pandas import DataFrame

from .models import Datas, Wallet
from .proxies import SessionProxy as Session

class Strategy:
    datas: Datas
    wallet: Wallet

    # def __init__(self, param1, param2):
    #     self.param1 = param1
    #     self.param2 = param2

    def compose(self) -> DataFrame:
        return self.datas.df

    def on_entry(self, row: dict, session: Session) -> None:

    # def on_<signal>(self, row: dict, session: Session) -> None:
    #     pass

    def on_take_profit(self, row: dict, session: Session) -> None:
        session.position = 0

    def on_stop_loss(self, row: dict, session: Session) -> None:
        session.position = 0

    def on_stop(self, row: dict, session: Session) -> None:

Strategies are stored in files, you can generate a new one using this command:

cipher new my_strategy

To run it:


Cipher instance

Cipher instance is a glue for Cipher components.

cipher = Cipher()  # we can pass settings as kwargs, otherwise, settings will be loaded from .env or ENV variables
cipher.add_source(source_name_or_source_object, **source_kwargs), stop_ts)  # process data according to the strategy and generate output
cipher.sessions  # returns sessions
cipher.stats  # builds and returns stats object
cipher.output  # raw output, contains the dataframe and sessions
cipher.plot(plotter_or_plotter_object_or_none, rows_or_none)  # if plotter or rows is not specified, the values will be automatically selected


Commission is an objects that implements this interface:

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from decimal import Decimal

from cipher.models.transaction import Transaction

class Commission(ABC):
    def for_transaction(self, transaction: Transaction) -> Decimal:

for_transaction method returns how much quote asset have to be deducted.

By default, SimpleCommission is used, which returns the specified part from quote for each transaction.

Commission is only computed for stats and plotter, it does not apply to the output.


The wallet can be accessed from a strategy:


Cipher wallet has two assets: base and quote, they both have 0 initially.

The wallet does not have any limits, and assets can go negative.

Transactions are being applied to a wallet adjusting the assets.


Stats is the object returned by cipher.stats property.

We can use the stats for strategy performance evaluation.


Plotters take Output and build charts.

Currently, two plotters are available:

A custom plotter can be passed to cipher.plot.

Plotters accept rows, which describe to the plotter how to group charts, use it if default layout does not fit your needs.

Rows can contain one of:

  • ohlc
  • ohlcv
  • signals
  • position
  • balance
  • sessions
  • brackets
  • <indicator name>


rows = [['ohlc']]  # show only ohlc
rows = [['ohlc', 'ema50']]  # show ema50 as well (it should be present in the dataframe)
rows = [['ohlcv', 'sessions'], ['balance']]  # show ohlcv with session marks on the top chart and balance in the bottom

plot also accepts limit (number of rows to show) and start (where the plot starts). start can be one of: datetime, offset, negative offset.

Indicator name can be appended with marker and color. See markers here.


rows = [['ohlc', 'my_indicator|^', 'another_indicator|s|red']]


Settings can be passed to Cipher as arguments or in .env or using ENV variables.

Available settings: cache_root, log_level.

cache_root. cache_root contains path to the cache folder. Default: .cache

If there are a few directories with strategies, and we want to reuse one cache - we can specify the same cache_root for both.