CoinMarketCap rank
Use CoinMarketCap rank with Binance spot OHLC
This example demonstrates how to use multiple data sources.
CoinMarketCap rank for DASH file contains daily CoinMarketCap rank for DASH collected over 2022 year.
import numpy as np
import pandas_ta as ta
from cipher import Cipher, Session, Strategy, quote
class CmcStrategy(Strategy):
def compose(self):
df = self.datas.df
cmc_df = self.datas[1]
df = df.join(cmc_df)
df["rank"] = df["cmc_rank"].fillna(method="ffill")
df["rank_ema21"] = ta.ema(df["rank"], length=21)
df["rank_ema7"] = ta.ema(df["rank"], length=7)
df["difference"] = df["rank_ema7"] - df["rank_ema21"]
df["entry"] = np.sign(df["difference"].shift(1)) != np.sign(df["difference"])
df["cross_up"] = df["entry"] & (df["difference"] > 0)
df["cross_down"] = df["entry"] & (df["difference"] < 0)
return df
def on_entry(self, row: dict, session: Session):
if row["cross_down"]:
# buy dash worth 100 USD
session.position += quote(100)
session.position -= quote(100)
def on_cross_up(self, row, session: Session):
"""Cross up is bearish, because the lower rank - the better."""
if session.is_long:
session.position = 0
def on_cross_down(self, row, session: Session):
if not session.is_long:
session.position = 0
def on_stop(self, row: dict, session: Session):
session.position = 0
def main():
cipher = Cipher()
cipher.add_source("binance_spot_ohlc", symbol="DASHUSDT", interval="1d")
cipher.add_source("csv_file", path="data/131_dash.csv")
cipher.set_strategy(CmcStrategy())"2022-01-01", stop_ts="2022-12-31")
["rank", "rank_ema21", "rank_ema7"],
if __name__ == "__main__":
Session Period PnL
---------------------- -------- ----------
short 2022-01-21 00:00 24d 1.79754
long 2022-02-14 00:00 10d -15.4143
short 2022-02-24 00:00 3d -0.455581
long 2022-02-27 00:00 1d 13.9456
short 2022-02-28 00:00 1d 0.39801
long 2022-03-01 00:00 2d -3.2967
short 2022-03-03 00:00 7d -8.05785
long 2022-03-10 00:00 24d 26.7686
short 2022-04-03 00:00 36d 47.2851
long 2022-05-09 00:00 49d -29.7568
short 2022-06-27 00:00 32d -3.05499
long 2022-07-29 00:00 1d 0.197628
short 2022-07-30 00:00 12d -9.66469
long 2022-08-11 00:00 4d -4.31655
short 2022-08-15 00:00 4d 15.7895
long 2022-08-19 00:00 3d 5.58036
short 2022-08-22 00:00 1d -2.537
long 2022-08-23 00:00 19d -0.412371
short 2022-09-11 00:00 20d 13.6025
long 2022-10-01 00:00 18d -4.86461
short 2022-10-19 00:00 24d 14.8615
long 2022-11-12 00:00 6d 2.04142
short 2022-11-18 00:00 1d -3.21832
long 2022-11-19 00:00 41d 17.9494
---------------- --------------------- -----
start 2022-01-21 00:00
stop 2022-12-30 00:00
period 343d
trades 24
longs 12 50.0%
shorts 12 50.0%
period median 8d 12h
period max 49d
success 12 50.0%
success median 13.774031351671103224
success max 47.285067873303167421
success row 2
failure 12 50.0%
failure median 3.806625029646612380
failure max 29.756795422031473533
failure row 2
spf 1.0
pnl 75.167382902613042311
commission 0E-18
balance min -21.503915296725822
balance max 94.57749526216361
balance drawdown 51.459489382273404
romad 1.4607098477838074
---------------- --------------------- -----
Run the strategy for multiple assets and write stats to a csv file
import csv
import json
import numpy as np
import pandas_ta as ta
from cipher import Cipher, Session, Strategy, quote
class CmcStrategy(Strategy):
def compose(self):
df = self.datas.df
# close price is required
df["close"] = df["price"]
df["rank"] = df["cmc_rank"].fillna(method="ffill")
df = df.drop(columns=["price", "cmc_rank"])
df["rank_ema21"] = ta.ema(df["rank"], length=21)
df["rank_ema7"] = ta.ema(df["rank"], length=7)
df["difference"] = df["rank_ema7"] - df["rank_ema21"]
df["entry"] = np.sign(df["difference"].shift(1)) != np.sign(df["difference"])
df["cross_up"] = df["entry"] & (df["difference"] > 0)
df["cross_down"] = df["entry"] & (df["difference"] < 0)
return df
def on_entry(self, row: dict, session: Session):
if row["cross_down"]:
session.position += quote(100)
session.position -= quote(100)
def on_cross_up(self, row, session: Session):
if session.is_long:
session.position = 0
def on_cross_down(self, row, session: Session):
if not session.is_long:
session.position = 0
def run_for_asset(asset_id, asset_slug):
cipher = Cipher()
cipher.add_source("csv_file", path=f"data/{asset_id}_{asset_slug}.csv")
cipher.set_strategy(CmcStrategy())"2021-11-20", stop_ts="2022-01-20")
return cipher.stats
def main():
with open("data/cmc_results.csv", "w") as fo:
writer = csv.writer(fo)
writer.writerow(["slug", "sessions", "pnl", "drawdown"])
with open("data/ids.json", "r") as f:
data = json.load(f)
for i, slug, symbol, name in data["data"]:
stats = run_for_asset(i, slug)
[slug, stats.sessions_n, stats.pnl, stats.balance_drawdown_max]
if __name__ == "__main__":
import pandas as pd
pd.set_option("display.float_format", lambda x: '%.3f' % x)
df = pd.read_csv("data/cmc_results.csv")
print(df[df.pnl > 10000])
# slug trades pnl drawdown
# 2793 uberstate-inc 6 2626781.549 27.372
print(df[df.pnl < -10000])
# slug trades pnl drawdown
# 456 aeron 4 -10656.038 10655.839
# 1136 hyperion 1 -155835.789 155855.572
# 1198 fidex-token 15 -20737.524 28933.483
# 1619 onlexpa 2 -43243.517 43257.982
# 2117 kimchi-finance 4 -31278.215 31277.971
# 5422 galaxygoggle-dao 2 -14924.211 15785.439
# 5493 pumpeth 4 -79166174.958 93672953.625
df = df[(df.pnl != 0) & (df.pnl > -200) & (df.pnl < 200)]
# count 3638.000
# mean -21.617
# std 46.315
# min -199.955
# 25% -41.490
# 50% -13.245
# 75% 2.371
# max 180.636
# Name: pnl, dtype: float64
# -78641.39720448424
Long only, with brackets
import csv
import json
import numpy as np
import pandas_ta as ta
from cipher import Cipher, Session, Strategy, percent, quote
class CmcStrategy(Strategy):
def compose(self):
df = self.datas.df
df["close"] = df["price"]
# high and low is required for brackets
df["high"] = df["price"]
df["low"] = df["price"]
df["rank"] = df["cmc_rank"].fillna(method="ffill")
df = df.drop(columns=["price", "cmc_rank"])
df["rank_ema21"] = ta.ema(df["rank"], length=21)
df["rank_ema7"] = ta.ema(df["rank"], length=7)
difference = df["rank_ema7"] - df["rank_ema21"]
cross = np.sign(difference.shift(1)) != np.sign(difference)
df["entry"] = cross & (difference < 0)
df["exit"] = cross & (difference > 0)
return df
def on_entry(self, row: dict, session: Session):
session.position += quote(100)
session.take_profit = percent(100)
session.stop_loss = percent(-50)
def on_exit(self, row, session: Session):
session.position = 0
def run_for_asset(asset_id, asset_slug):
cipher = Cipher()
cipher.add_source("csv_file", path=f"data/{asset_id}_{asset_slug}.csv")
cipher.set_strategy(CmcStrategy())"2021-11-20", stop_ts="2022-01-20")
return cipher.stats
def main():
with open("data/cmc_results.csv", "w") as fo:
writer = csv.writer(fo)
writer.writerow(["slug", "sessions", "pnl", "drawdown"])
with open("data/ids.json", "r") as f:
data = json.load(f)
for i, slug, symbol, name in data["data"]:
stats = run_for_asset(i, slug)
[slug, stats.sessions_n, stats.pnl, stats.balance_drawdown_max]
if __name__ == "__main__":
count 3488.000
mean -12.328
std 37.868
min -241.161
25% -28.682
50% -12.201
75% -1.477
max 198.500
Sum: -43001